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Huge WhatsApp for PC Update – new Emoji

Huge WhatsApp for PC Update – new Emoji icons and Mark as Unread

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Five days ago, on the 25/09/2015, WhatsApp announced a huge update for Whatapp.

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On this huge update, WhatsApp updated their messaging app to include a new option for every user, the ability to change the status of a specific conversation with anyone on Whatsapp and mark it as unread.

A lot of you might think that with this new update you can now mark a specific message as unread message and “remove” the blue V mark icons from it, but you can’t. this feature will not affect the read status of messages within a specific conversation.


whatsapp for pc mark as unread


New Update!

Moreover, Official WhatsApp announced a new set of emoji icons, such as the popular wanted Middle Finger emoji icon and also Joy fingers icon.

Whatsapp also introduced a new skin for almost every emoji icons related to people skin/color. You will now be able to long press any emoji skin icon and send it to friends and family with multiple colors.

Last but not least this new huge update also includes an option in the Chats and calls menu to reduce data usage when making Whatsapp calls.

whatsapp for PC emoji
Update to the new Whatsapp for PC version now and you will be able to use all those new features right away.

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One Comment

  1. phelokazit
    Reply March 30, 2019 at 1:56 pm

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